Government Collections

Federal, state and municipal government collections is more than simply dollars collected. It is balancing public service with potential profit. It is maintaining a positive community image while attaining a positive revenue stream. FMA has proven results in retrieving the various debts your citizens may incur, while ensuring a respectful customer experience. Our team at FMA is dedicated to partnering with you and recovering what is past due.


FMA is GSA certified, earning a select certification to work with the U.S. government.

GSA PSS Contract Number
561440, 561422
PCS R705
Debt Collection

Compliance. Respect. Results.

FMA leverages an industry-leading compliance team:

FMA’s has the industry’s most advanced call analysis, monitoring and recording, quality assurance and compliance audits, and consumer compliant management, as well as training related to federal, state and local regulations. FMA will protect your brand from expensive violations and a tarnished reputation by promoting respectful and compassionate customer service and interaction. With a 99.99% customer satisfaction rate based on complaint-to-contact ratio, FMA successfully drives compliance adherence at all levels.

Accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB)

2015-2021 BBB Award of Excellence

2015-2021 BBB Winner of Distinction

2021 BBB Pinnacle Award

BBB A+ Rating

ACA Member

ACA Blueprint Certified (previously known as PPMS)

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) panel

Technology. Security. Integrity.

Data security is core to FMA’s business standards, and we take an aggressive stance on protecting the information our clients entrust to us. FMA is your partner with extensive capabilities to mitigate potential security breaches and safeguard your data.

Substantial cutting-edge investments

FMA has made substantial cutting-edge investments in data security that most of our competitors simply cannot afford.

System Integrity

We uphold the integrity of our systems, and you and your consumers’ data

Certifications & Awards

FMA alliance has to its credit a panel of distinctions and certifications.

Paying online has never been easier

Verify and manage your accounts in just minutes through our payment portal.